Please take a look before booking

Studio Policy + FAQ

What form of payment do you accept?

We do accept cash, e-transfer, debit and credit. Our preferred payment method is e-transfer ( All prices are subject to GST.

How do I book an appointment with you?

Please book your appointment from booking platform. We do require NON-REFUNDABLE $30 booking fee which will go toward your final payment to secure your booking. Please send it to If we do not receive any deposit for 24 hours, your appointment request will be cancelled.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?

We do require 48 hours notice for cancellation. If the cancellation happened within 48 hours, we do require 50% of the service cost. 
No rebooking allowed until fees are paid. Anything under 24 hours will be subject to 100% charge of the service. Please respect our time as we respect yours. DEPOSIT IS NON-REFUNDABLE. It is to protect our business from the last minutes cancellation or no shows. We are working around tight schedules and we are fully committed to my business & client's satisfaction. Please book an appointment when you know absolutely that date and time will work for you. We understand that life happens but please respect our times as we respect yours.

What if I no-show?

NO SHOWS will be not be tolerated and will be subject to 100% charge of the service with no future bookings. Please respect our time as we respect yours. No-show is not tolerated and clients will be banned from the booking system as no-show is quite disrespectful to the service provider. I understand life happens but if you do not reach out to us, we cannot book you in again as we do work around busy schedule and we are fully committed to all my clients' appointment and their satisfactions.

What if I'm late for the appointment?

If you are over 15 minutes late to your appointment, we need to shorten the appointment time as it is not fair for other clients. Please arrive on time (not too early as we need to clean and prep) as we would like to provide the complete service to all my clients. If you are very late for an appointment, cancellation fee will be charged and need to be rescheduled to the other date and time.

Do you allow extra guests?

No extra guests are allowed in a room at this moment as the studio space is limited.

Do you accept tips?

No-tipping policy is implemented at our studio as we do not want our clients to feel pressured to tip to our service. Gratitude over gratuity is our policy so I do appreciate if you could leave a vagaro review instead if you enjoyed our services 😊

What if I'm sick/COVID on appointment day?

We hope you will feel better soon. Please do rest at home and let us know as soon as possible. We understand being sick is something that we all cannot control. We are not able to refund the $30 booking fee, but we apply the deposit to the appointment if you come in within 4 weeks to receive the treatment. We are a small business and I hope you understand.

What is the pre-care for facials/lash lifts??

  1. Please discontinue use of any Vitamin A topical solutions (Retinols, Retin-A, Tretinoin) at least 4 days before our appointment.
  2. To prep the skin for Enzyme Treatments or Chemical Peel, discontinue the use of any at-home exfoliants for at least 4 days prior to our appointment as well.
  3. If you get botox/filler/laser appointment, please wait 14 days to book a facial.
  4. Please come in to an appointment make-up free if possible for both facial & lash lift appointments.
  5. To maintain your skin health, wearing SPF 30+ is always advised.

I'm pregnant/breastfeeding. Am I able to receive a facial or lash lift?

It is completely safe to receive a facial or lash lift as long as your first trimester is completed. Our facial is complete customizable to ensure all the ingredients are safe.

What is your refund policy?

We do not offer refunds, exchanges, or returns on any products, packages, or services rendered.
Membership and Packages are non-transferrable and non-refundable.
Although if you are unhappy with any products purchased, please reach out to us and we will do our best to make it right for you.

If you are unhappy with your lash lift results and require a fix, please contact us within 3 days and I am happy to fix it for you FREE of charge. Otherwise, full amount will be charged for a fix after.

What else do I need to know before coming to see you?

Facial Bar By M is a home based studio and one cat is in the unit (not in the treatment room).
The location is very close to Seafair Plaza in Richmond on No.1 Rd. We have a strict policy in place regards to disinfection/sterilization of our tools to ensure the safety of our clients and the technician is fully insured.

Zero Tolerance Abuse Policy

We do not come to work to be abused, ever. At the first sign of any kind of abuse, rudeness, raised voices, threats, exclamation marks, sexist remarks, disrespect, childishness, or other negative behaviour; we will cease communication and our relationship will be over. 

Aggressive or abusive behaviour includes:

  • language (whether verbal or written) that may cause the staff to feel afraid, threatened or abused
  • personal verbal abuse
  • derogatory remarks and rudeness
  • inflammatory statements
  • remarks of a racial or discriminatory nature
  • unsubstantiated allegations

We want to maintain our space to be safest, comfortable place for both practitioner and clients. Thank you for your understanding.